
Deadlines: 1st of the month before publication – news, articles, advertising, what’s on and letters. Please note that we don’t print an issue in August or January.

If you would like to contribute an article or notify us of an event, please copy your article/event details into the message box and choose what to submit from the drop down list.


  • What’s On Submissions: up to 30 words (type as message)
  • Article Submissions: up to 150 words (type as message or attach a file)
  • General Enquiries

If sending files, use one message for each file.


Contributions may be published in the magazine and/or the web. Make clear any limitations you have about what, how and when we may publish your contribution.

Email is preferred; otherwise deliver to The Bridge Centre.

Make sure you are writing for a general audience, not just your own organisation. News stories should not exceed 150 words. If it’s too long we will ask you to cut it. Articles may be longer but get in touch first to save the annoyance of a rejection. Photographs and advertising artwork should be clear, with good contrast. JPEG electronic format is preferred but we can scan from good quality prints. Make sure any people in photos agree that the photo can be published in the magazine and web. Get parent’s consent in the case of minors.

We reserve the right to edit contributions and to not publish any contribution or advertisement that is either unsuitable for our format or is inconsistent with our editorial policy.


Remember, when writing about or publishing events that you want to be read or advertised in a particular monthly issue you need to send the details in at least one month before. i.e. Submit your article, for example, by no later than 1st May for the June Issue, (two months for August and January) to avoid missing the print deadline.

Contributions Form

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