Welcome to Highworth Link Magazine
About Highworth Link
Highworth LINK, the Community Magazine for Highworth and surrounding villages. The magazine has been published for over forty years, progressing from a black and white church newsletter to the glossy production we have today. It is run on a ‘not for profit’ basis and has contributed to many worthy local causes over the years. Its success is based on a balance of news, events, stories and advertising that make it an enjoyable read and a fully functional advertising platform, especially for local businesses. With approximately 6500 copies delivered by volunteers, it is a huge team effort that makes this a real community magazine.
Churches Together
Highworth Churches Together are four churches united through friendship, faith and a desire to support and bless our community.
The church group is made up of the Highworth Reformed Church, Highworth Methodist Church, St Michael’s Parish Church and Highworth Community Church. Please click on the link below for more details and times.
Highworth Link Magazine Publishes ten monthly issues each year with the exception of August and January.
Deadlines: 1st of the month before publication for news, articles, advertising, what’s on and letters. Please note that we don’t print an issue in August or January.
Opinions expressed or implied in any contributions are not necessarily those of the editor or management committee.
No responsibility can be accepted for any error of fact in the magazine or website.
Please inform the editor of any errors so they can be rectified.
Magazine Distribution
The Highworth Link has always been incredibly lucky to have scores of volunteers who help to deliver our little magazine to homes in Highworth and the surrounding area each month. Many of these volunteers have delivered for over a decade. We are very grateful for their support.
Approximately 6500 copies of the Highworth LINK are printed and freely distributed to all of the houses in Highworth and some to the outlying villages. A team of volunteers takes on the task of sorting and delivering them each month. Clive Hall oversees the receipt and sorting of the magazine which is done by a team of people from each of the different churches on a rota basis. Peter Croton then has the task of delivering these ‘sorted’ bundles to various members of the community who, in turn, will deliver their individual bundles to other members of the community for door-to-door distribution. Keith Ratcliffe oversees the ‘country run’ of the magazine in a similar manner to Peter Croton.
Volunteer Distributors – Can you help?
If you feel that you would like to offer your help in any way, either permanently or as a stand in for someone who may be unavailable, then please do contact us so that we can add your name to our ‘bank’ of standby deliverers. WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING OUT FOR VOLUNTEERS and would be pleased to talk with you.
Give – Clive a call on 07801 365282, email clive7045@btinternet.com or Peter on 01793 762025